Les tueurs diaboliques, les savants fous, les sorciers, les dames, les enfants, les chats et les sofas aussi - Evil men, mad scientists, witches, women, children, cats and sofa too...

1st Summoning | 7 Witches | 7th Victim | 36.15 Code Père Noël | A Horror Movie | Abbott and Costello meet the Invisible Man | ABCs of Death 2 | Addams Family - 1991 | Addams Family - 2019 | Addams Family - 2021 | Addams Family Values | Alamet-i Kiyamet | All Hallow's Eve | All Hallow's Eve 2 | All I Need | All the Colors of the Dark | All the Creatures are Stirring | All Through the Night | Altered Spirits | Alucarda | Amazones du Temple d'Or | Amityville Island | Amsterdamned | And all through the House | Anthrohophagus Beer | Anthropophagous - 1980 | Anthropophagous 2000 | Antigel | Anything for Jackson | Aquaslash | Arkham Sanitarium: Soul Eater | Army of the Dead - 2008 | Asesino Invisible | Asylum | At Midnight I'll take your Soul | Atelophobia | Atelophobia 2 | Attack of the Voodoo Dolls | AVGN Adventures | AVGN 2: ASSimilation | AVGN The Movie | Awakening | Awful Dr. Orloff | Azem | Baba Yaga - 1938 | Baba Yaga - 1973 | Baba Yaga - 2020 | Baba Yaga - 2021 | Baby Blues | Bad Candy | Bad Dreams | Badass Monster Killer | Bakterion | Baron Blood | Baron Harkonnen | Barrens | Bay Coven | Bay of Blood | Beast in the Cellar | Beast of Blood | Beast of Borneo | Beast of Yucca Flats | Beg | Behind the Mask | Bell Witch | Bell Witch Haunting | Beneath the Planet of the Apes | Beware the Slenderman | Beyond the Door 3 | Bikini Girl Swamp Massacre | Bird with the Crystal Plumage | Black Castle | Black Gate | Black Lake | Black Phone | Black Sleep | Blair Witch | Blair Witch Project | Blair Witch 2 | Blancheville Monster | Blood | Blood and Black Lace | Blood Feast | Blood Lake | Blood of Ghastly Horror | Blood on Melies' Moon | Blood Paradise | Blood Rage | Blood Thirst | Blonde Savage | Bloodsucking Pharaohs in Pittsburg | Bloody Bird | Bloody Parrot | Bloody Pit of Horror | Bloody Valentine - 1981 | Bloody Valentine - 2009 | Blue Jean Monster | Blue Sunshine | Blue Eyes of the Broken Doll | The Boat | Bodom | Bonejangles | Boogeyman 2 | Boogieman will get You | Book of Monsters | Bossu de la Morgue | Boxer's Omen | The Boy | The Brain - 1962 | The Brain - 1988 | Braindead 13 | Bride - 1973 | Bride of Chucky | Bride of Monstert Mania | Brotherhood of Satan | Bruja | Brutal Relax | Bucket of Blood | Buenas Noches Senor Monstruo | Buio Omega | Burn Witch Burn | Bus Party to Hell | Butterfly Kisses | Bye Bye Man | Cabin Fever 2 | Cable Guy | Camp Blood 666 | Candy Corn | Cannibal Apocalypse | Cannibal Hookers - 1987 | Cannibal Hookers - 2019 | Cannibal Man | Carnival of Souls - 1998 | Carpet of Horror | Carrie - 1976 | Carrie - 2002 | Carrie - 2013 | Carrie 2: The Rage | Carrie The Musical | Carry On Screaming | Carved 2 | Castle Freak | Castle of Evil | Cat and the Canary - 1927 | Cat and the Canary - 1939 | Cat o' Nine Tails | The Cell | Cellar Door | Cementerio del Terror | Cereal Killers | Chandu the Magician | Chandu on the Magic Island | Chamber of Horrors | Charlie's Farm | Château des Morts Vivants | Chernobyl Diaries | Child's Play | Child's Play 2 | Child's Play 3 | Chiller | Christmas Evil | Christmas Horror Story | Chucky | Chucky Socks | Circus Kane | Cleaver | Cleavers | Clock Tower | Clown | Clown of Midnight | Color Me Blood Red | Color out of Space | Colour from the Dark | Coming | Conjuring the Dead | Contracted | C.O.R.N. | Cose Cattive | Crazies - 1973 | Crazies - 2010 | Crazy Eights | Creature Unknown | Creep | Creep behind the Camera | Creeping Flesh | Crimes at the Dark House | Cross of the Devil | Crowhaven Farm | Crucible | Crucible of Horror | Crucible of Terror | Cruise into Terror | Cub | Cult of Chucky | Curse | Curse of Chucky | Curse of Evil | Curse of Halloween Jack | Curse of the Crimson Altar | Curse of the ReAnimator | Curse of the Witching Tree | Cursed - 2004 | Curtains | D@bbe | D@bbe 2 | D@bbe 3 | D@bbe 4 | D@bbe 5 | Dab6e | D@bbe 7 | Daisy Derkins: Babysitter of the Damned | Daisy Derkins vs Beast of Barren Pines | Dame en Rouge tua sept fois | Damien | Danza de la Realidad | Dark and the Wicked | Dark Eyes of London | Dark Glasses | Dark Half | Darkman | Dark Night of the Scarecrow | Dark Secret of Harvest Home | Dark Touch | Daughter of Dr. Jekyll | Daughter of the Jungle - 1982 | Day of the Locust | De Grey | Dead End Drive-In | Dead Eyes of London | Dead in Tombstone | Dead of Night - 1977 | Deadly Dreams | Deadly Manor | Deadly Revisions | Death Spa | Death Trip | Débroussailleur 2 | Deep Red | Dementia 13 - 1963 | Dementia 13 - 2017 | Les Démons | The Dentist | Descendant | Desert Man Beast | Devil Doll - 1936 | Devil Doll - 1964 | Devil in the Dark | Devil's Hand - 1961 | Devil's Hand - 2014Devil Story | Devil's Pass | Diablo Rojo | Diabolical Dr Z | Die Farbe | Die in One Day | Die Monster Die | Diggery | Dining Room | Disciple of Death | Discopathe | Doc 33 | Doctor of Doom | Dolly Deadly | Donovan's Brain | Dolls - 1987 | Don't Sleep | A Formula Letale | Dr Blood's Coffin | Don't go in the House | Don't hug me I'm scared | Doom Asylum | Dr Cordelier | Dread | Dr Caligari - 1920 | Dr Caligari - 1989 | Dr Jekyll's Dungeon of Death | Dr Orloff's Monster | Dr Phibes | Dr Sin | Eaten Alive | Edge of the Axe | Electronic Monster | End Roll | Enter the Devil | Ero Kowai Kaidan 1 | Estrangulador | Eternal Mask | Ethereal Chrysalis | The Eves | Evidence - 2012 | Evil Bong | Evil Dead Trap | Evil Never Dies | Evil Things | Evil Within | Extreme Pinocchio | Eyes of the Mummy | Face at the Window | Faceless Man | Fanchon | Fantasma | Fear Chamber - 1968 | Fear Chamber - 2009 | Fear Clinic | Fear Project | Feast for the Devil | Fils de Satan | Fin du Neolibéralisme | Final Girls | Final Prayer | Flesh Eaters | Flesh Feast | Found | Four Flies on Grey Velvet | Forbidden City Cop | Frankenstein | Freddy Krueger | Freddy vs Jason | Freudstein | Friday the 13th - 2009 | Friday the 13th: The Series | Fritt Vilt | Fritt Vilt 2 | Fritt Vilt 3 | Fritz | From Beyond | From Beyond the Grave | Jack Frost | Fungus among Us | Funhouse | Gamma People | Gentleman des Antipodes | Gently before she Dies | The Ghost Walks | The Ghoul - 1933 | Giallo in Venice | Gingerdead Man | Gingerdead Man 2 | Gingerdead Man 3 | Gingerdead Man vs Evil Bong | Goonies | Gore, Quebec | Grotesque - 1988 | Grotesque - 2009 | Gu | Guardian | Halloween | Halloween 2 | Halloween 4 | Halloween 5 | Halloween 6 | Halloween at Aunt Ethel's | Halloween H20 | Halloween Resurrection | Hand of Death | Hansel & Gretel - 2013 | Hatchet | Hatchet 2 | Hatchet 3 | Hatchet 4 | Haute Tension | Havenhurst | He Knows | The Head | Headless | Headless Eyes | Hell's Trap | Hellriser | Here comes the Devil | Heretic | Hidden - 2011 | Hidden - 2015 | Hideous! | Hills have Eyes - 1977 | Hills have Eyes - 2006 | Hills have Eyes 2 - 1984 | Hills have Eyes 2 - 2007 | Hillside Cannibals | Historia de lo OcultoHoarderHocus Pocus | Hollow Man | Hollow Man 2 | Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers | Hombre Invisible | Horror Castle | Horror Hospital | Horror House | Horror of it All | Horror of the Hungry Humongous Hungan | Horror Show | Horror Star | Horror Stories | Horror Stories 2 | Horrors of Malformed Men | House at the End of the Street | House Hunting | House of 1000 Corpses | House of Horrors | House of Mortal Sin | House of Usher - 1928 | Horrors of the Black Museum | House of Evil - 1968 | House of Usher - 1960 | House of Usher - 1982 | House of Wax - 1953 | House of Witchcraft | House on Haunted Hill | House on Skull Mountain | House that would not Die | How to make a Monster | Humongous | Hush | Hunchback of Notre Dame - 1923 | Hunchback of Notre Dame - 1939 | Hunchback of Notre Dame - 1956 | Hyde and Go Tweet | Hyde and Hare | I, Madman | Ice Cream Truck | Imps | Inara | Indiana Jones ATET | Infernal Gluttony | Invisible Agent | Invisible Boy - 2014 | Invisible Man - 1933 | Invisible Man - 1984 | Invisible Man - 2014 | Invisible Man - 2017 | Invisible Man Returns | Invisible Man's Revenge | Invisible Ray | Invisible Woman | Island of Witches | It Comes at Night | It Follows | Jan-Gel | Jason Voorhess | Jason X | Jekyll and Hyde Cat | Jenifer | Jinetes de la Bruja | Jinna | Julia's Eyes | Juliet Jekyll & Harriet Hyde | Just before Dawn | Kaiki Toshi-Densetsu Kill Dolly Kill | Killer Sofa | Killer's Moon | Killing of Satan | Kingdom - 1994 | Kingdom 2 - 1997 | Kingdom Exodus | Kriminal | Kruel | Ladron de Cadaveres | Lady and the Monster | Lake Alice | Lady of Burlesque | Las Vegas Blood Bath | Lasso | Last Horror Film | Laughing Dead | Lazarus Effect | Leatherface | Leatherface - Northstar Comics | Legacy of Blood | Legend of Halloween Jack | Lesson of Evil | Libido | Lighthouse | Lighthouse Keeper | Living Dead | London After Midnight | Longlegs | Look What's happened to Rosemary's Baby | Love in the Time of Monsters | Luciferina | Mad Heidi | Madhouse - 1974 | Madhouse- 1981 | Madhouse - 2004 | Mahakaal | Ma Fiancée est un Cadavre | Magic | Magician | Malatesta's Carnival of Blood | Malefique | Malocchio | Man and the Monster | Man who turned to Stone | Man with the Screaming Brain | Mangler | Maniac Cop | Maniac Mansion | Manoir Maudit | Manos the Hands of Fate | Marca del Muerto | Mardi Gras Massacre | Marebito | Mark of the Witch - 1970 | Mark of the Witch - 2016 | Marteau pour les Sorcières | Mask of Thorn | Masque of the Red Death | Massacre in Dinosaur Valley | Maxxxine | Meateater | Memes Faces | Memoirs of an Invisible Man | Mephisto Waltz | Mesa of Lost Women | Mesmerist - 2002 | La Meute | Midnight Meat Train | Mil Mascaras | Mill of the Stone Women | Mistress Hyde | Molly Crows | Mondo Cannibale | Monkeybone | Monster - 1925 | Monster of Camp Sunshine | Monster Maker | Monster Makers | Monster Man | Monster Mania | Monster on the Campus | Monsterz | Monsturd | Montagne du Dieu Cannibale | Moonface | Mort caresse à Minuit | Mort marche en Talons Hauts | Most Dangerous Game | Motel Hell | Mother Krampus | Mother Krampus 2 | Mr Hyde 1908 | Mr Hyde 1912 | Mr Hyde 1920 | Mr Hyde 1925 | Mr Hyde 1931 | Mr Hyde 1941 | Mr Hyde 1951 | Mr Hyde 1953 | Mr Hyde 1961 | Mr Hyde 1963Mr Hyde 1968 | Mr Hyde 1971Mr Hyde 1973 TV | Mr Hyde 1973 - MexMr Hyde 1979 | Mr Hype 1980 | Mr Hyde 1980 - TV | Mr Hyde 1981 | Mr Hyde 1982 | Mr Hyde 1988 | Mr Hyde 1989 | Mr Hyde 1990 | Mr Hyde 1996 | Mr Hyde 1999 | Mr Hyde  2001 | Mr Hyde 2002 | Mr Hyde 2003 | Mr Hyde 2003 - TV | Mr Hyde 2006 | Mr Hyde 2007 | Mr Hyde 2008 | Mr Hyde 2015 | Mr Hyde 2017 | Mr Hyde - Marvel Comics | Microwave Massacre | Mr Mouse | Ms Hyde | Murder in the Museum | Murder Mansion | Murder Rock | Murders in the Rue Morgue - 1971 | Murder in the Red Barn | Muse | Muska | My Soul to Take | Naked Witch | Neanderthal Man | Necroman | Necromancer - 2018 | Necromancy | Necrophagus | Night Child | Night Evelyn came out of the Grave | Night God Screamed | Night of 1000 Cats | Night of Fear | Night of the Damned | Night of the Ghouls | Night School | Night Walker | Nightshot | Nightmare in Wax | Nightmare on Elm Street | Nightmare on Elm Street 2 | Nightmare on Elm Street 3 | Nightmare on Elm Street 4 | Nightmare on Elm Street 5 | Nightmare on Elm Street 6Nightmare on Elm Street 7 | Nightmare on Elm Street - 2010 | Night of the Ghoul | Night of the Ghouls | Nightworld | Nothing but the Night | Occult | Occultist - 2009 | Oeil du LabyrintheOgroff | Oily ManiacOld Dark House - 1932 | Old Dark House - 1963 | Omen - 1976 | Omen - 2006 | Omen - 2024 | Omen 2 | Omen 3 | Omen 4 | Opera | Orloff and the Invisible Man | Outlast | Ouvert 24/7 | The Pact | The Pact 2 | Paperhouse | Paranoid | Parents | Pearl | Pelt | People under the Stairs | Pete the Meat Puppet | Phantom of the Opera - 1925 | Phantom of the Opera - 1943 | Phantom of the Opera 1962 | Phantom of the Paradise | Phase 7 | Phenomena | Piège du Diable | Pinup Dolls on Ice | Plague Town | Playback | Popcorn | Popsicle | Possédée du Lac | Poughkeepsie Tapes | Premonition | Primal Rage | Primitives | Prince Esclave | Private Crimes | Profumo della Signora in Nero | Projected Man | Prom Night - 1980 | Prom Night 2 | Prom Night 3 | Prom Night 4 | Prom Night - 2008 | Psycho Gothic Lolita | Puppet Monster Massacre | Pyro | The Pyx | Quarantine 2 | Race with the Devil | Raven - 1935 | Raven - 1963 | Raven - 2012 | Record of a Sweet Murder | Reeker | Requiem | Residencia | Resonator | Rest in Pieces | Resurreccion | Return of Chandu | Ring of Curse | Robinson und seine wilden Sklavinnen | Rosemary's Baby - 1968 | Rosemary's Baby - 2014 | Rubber Johnny | Sadisterotica | Saint | Saint Maud | Salem Witch Trials | Sampo | Sang pour Sang | Santa Sangre | Santa's Slay | Santo in the Wax Museum | Sardonicus | Satanik | Savageland | Scanner Cop | Scanner Cop 2 | Scanners | Scanners 2 | Scanners 3 | Scare Me | Scarecrow | Scream | Seance on a Wet Afternoon | Secret du Dr Hichcock | Secret of the Iron Door | See No Evil | Seed of Chucky | Senora Muerte | Sensual Jungle | Serpent and the Rainbow | Seven Deaths in the Cat's Eye | Seven Footprints to Satan | Shanda's River | She Beast | She Devil | She Freak | Shining - 1980 | Shining - 1997 | Shocker | Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth | Siccin | Siccin 2 | Siccin 3 | Siccin 4 | Siccin 5 | Siccin 6 | Silent Night | Silent Night, Deadly Night | Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 | Silent Night, Deadly Night 3 | Silent Night, Deadly Night 4 | Silent Night, Deadly Night 5 | Silent Rage | Sister Hyde | Sisters of Death | Skinned Deep | Skull | Slayer | Sleep Tight | Sleepaway Camp | Sleepaway Camp 2 | Sleepaway Camp 3 | Sleepaway Camp 4 | Sleepless | Slender | Slimoids | Sorcière | Society | Sombra del Murcielago | Something Wicked this way Comes | Son of Dr. Jekyll | Song of Midnight | Sorceress - 1982 | Sorceress - 1987 | Sorceress - 1995 | Sorcières de Salem | Spasms | Spell | Stan Helsing | Staunton Hill | Stendhal Syndrome | Stephanie | Stirring | Strange Door | Strange Vice of Signora Wardh | Street Trash | Strega in Amore | Streghe | Stupid Teenagers must Die! | Suburban Nightmare | Summer of Fear | Superargo contre Diabolikus | Superbeast | Suspiria - 1977 | Suspiria - 2018 | Svengali | Sylvian Experiments | Taking of Deborah Logan | Tales from the Crypt | Tales of Halloween | Tank 432 | Taste of Fear | Tell-Tale Heart - 1928 | Tell-Tale Heart - 1934 | Tell-Tale Heart - 1941 | Tell-Tale Heart-  1953 | Tell-Tale Heart - 1960 | Tell-Tale Heart - 2016 | Temps Morts | Tenebrae | Terrifier | Terror in the Tropics | Terror in the Wax Museum | Terror of Hallow's Eve | Terror Train | TerroreTexas Chainsaw 3D | Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 1974Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 2003 | Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 2022 | Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 | Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Beginning | The Gremlin | Thorn | To All a Good Night | Torture Garden | Tortured | Touch of Death | Touch of Satan | Tower of Evil | Trick | Tunnel | Twin Peaks: The Return | Unmasked part 25 | Under The Bed - 2017 | Under The Bed 2 | Unearthly | Unknown | Unseen | Until Dawn | Ura Horâ | Uwasa no Shinsô! | Valentine | Valentine Stickers | Vampire Bat | Vanished in the Woods | Venganza de Huracan Ramirez | V/H/S | V/H/S/2 | Videodrome | Visiting Hours | Voodoo Woman | Wake Up | The Wall | Walled In | Warlock Moon | Wax Mask - 1997 | Wax Museum - 1933 | Waxwork - 1988 | Waxwork 2 | Waxworks - 1924 | Waxworks: The Video Game | When Black Birds Fly | Wild Wild Planet | Windmill | The Witch - 2015 | The Witch - 1952 | The Witch in the Window | Witch's Night Out | Witchcraft - 1964Witchcraft - 1988 | Witchcraft - 2013 | Witchcraft 2 - 1989 | Witchcraft 3 | Witchcraft 4 | Witchcraft 5 | Witchcraft 6 | Witchcraft 10 | Witchcraft 11 | Witchcraft 12 | Witchcraft 13 | Witchcraft 14 | Witchcraft 15 | Witchcraft 16 | Witches - 1966 | Witches - 1990 | Witches - 2020 | Witches of Amityville | Witching - 2016 | Witching Hour - 1934 | Witchouse | Witchouse 2 | Witchouse 3 | Wrath of the Crows | Wretched | Wrong Turn - 2003 | Wrong Turn - 2021 | Wrong Turn 2 | Wrong Turn 3 | Wrong Turn 4 | Wrong Turn 5 | Wrong Turn 6 | WTF! | X | X-Ray | XP3D | Yeux sans visages | Your Vice is a Locked Room


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